"Let's make fire: roasting ears of wheat and continuing to harvest wheat by Muhammad"

Описание к видео "Let's make fire: roasting ears of wheat and continuing to harvest wheat by Muhammad"

The term "harvest wheat" means to collect and remove the wheat crop from the fields. This expression is especially used when harvesting the wheat crop and storing it for future use. Harvesting wheat is known as a normal and necessary action in agriculture and agriculture-related activities. Muhammad, who appears to be harvesting wheat, may be a farmer or farm worker responsible for harvesting and storing the wheat crop. This activity is carried out in autumn and summer and is an important step in the agricultural process that helps to store the crop and provide food for future times.
#harvest wheat#Muhammad and wheat#agriculture#spring#agricultural worker#agriculture#harvest wheat#farm#Kebab Bilal#continue harvesting wheat#Mohammed and Bilal#humor#excitement#creativity#virtual#laughter


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