Definitive Odissi Technique demonstrated by Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra

Описание к видео Definitive Odissi Technique demonstrated by Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra

This is a rare and wonderful lecture-demonstration in the USA November, 1985 during the Odissi tour of Sharon Lowen. Guruji demonstrates Sira Bheda-head movements, Drishti Bheda - eye movements, Gribha Bheda - Neck movements, Torso movements in Odissi, wrist movement in conjunction with torso movement with and without neck movements, Pada Bheda - Foot positions, Nritta hastas - hand positions used in pure dance/without meaning, Samyukta hastas in nritta - double hand positions used in pure dance, Chauk stepping 1-6 (note the distance between feet as he did and taught), Tribhangi stepping 1-5 alternating demonstration by Sharon and Guruji, dance phrase and the first part of Batu done by Guruji.

We treasure the films of Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra performing but I have not seen any other sharing of him demonstrating the basic technique of his style himself. This is a visual shastra of the basics as he did it himself. Enjoy!


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