Early farewell to Hojjat after registering the documents and depositing the land money to Nemat's...

Описание к видео Early farewell to Hojjat after registering the documents and depositing the land money to Nemat's...

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After registering the documents, Hojjat moved from the nomadic family to his barracks. He needs your support to complete his military service.

By selling the worn-out land, Hojjat authorized Nemat that she can collect the money from the buyer and hand it over to the bad friend.
The Deora family is living in a tent these days and the snow and rain season is approaching. For the future of this family, we need to build a legal house that will be built with your help, good friends.

#giving birth #puppy #Dog giving birth #Dog

#NatureConnection #HandmadeBread

#Flavorful Cheeses #LocallySourced

#GastronomicAdventure #SimplePleasures

#NomadicLifestyle #SharedMeal

#UnforgettableExperience #IranianNomads

#MountainRetreat #TraditionalFood #RusticSpread

#SereneAmbiance #Storytelling


rice#twin #Nemat #fatima #soraya #jeni #Hoosin #NomadicLife #Familyties #nomadicreunion #IntenseDrama #peren #doora #chendar #farewell #oghab #Dria #chaver #deoora #plerd #MountainHome #nomadic #deora #daral #chavil #homeless #homelessness #displaced #nomadicromance #nomads #grandma #tragicincident #deoora-Ly7hs #Nemat #fatima #jeni #soraya#Hoosin #deoora-Ly7hs #fertility #Baby #River #becoming #father #twins#tow woman #peren


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