English-subbed Taiwanese series 'Love Around' - Ep. 14 BTS

Описание к видео English-subbed Taiwanese series 'Love Around' - Ep. 14 BTS

'Love Around': Behind-the-Scenes clip, 'True Love's Prescription Note' from Ep. 14.

Hong Kong singer William So's song which George Hu sang a bit in this clip:
Look on youtube for:
HiHD-男人不該讓女人流淚-蘇永康 Zefram01

A Man Should Not Make a Woman Shed Tears' (男人不该让女人流泪)

by William So (Su Yong Kang 苏永康)

You say I make you unable to see clearly

You say you're afraid of losing your way in love

捨不得妳哭 如果是我讓妳覺得無助
If I'm the one who's made you feel helpless

讓我告訴妳 我對這一切有多在乎
Let me tell you how much I care towards all these.

How do I prove that only my kiss of deep love

can nourish your frail soul?

I'm willing block with my life anyone who could harm you

就算被冷落 就算犯錯 我都不走
Even if I'm snubbed, even if I err, I won't leave

喔~相信我無悔無求 我願為妳放棄所有
Wo~believe that I have no regrets and no demands, I'm willing to give everything up for you

男人不該讓女人流淚 至少我盡力而為
A man shouldn't make a woman shed tears At least I'm trying my best

喔~相信我別再閃躲 我願陪妳 直到最後
Wo~believe me, don't ever dodge again, I'm willing to be with you until the very end.

A man shouldn't make a woman shed tears

至少我盡力而為 相信我
At least I'm trying my best, believe me.


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