How Device-to-Cloud Communication takes place?

Описание к видео How Device-to-Cloud Communication takes place?

Hello Everyone,

This week's dose of IoT knowledge is all about Device-to-Cloud Communication!

Get an overview of how IoT data is transmitted from devices to the cloud, for real-time insights.

There are several devices to cloud communication protocols.

However, you've probably heard of MQTT more often when talking about IoT communication, what exactly is it, and why is it so important in the world of device-to-cloud communication.

The answer is

With #mqtt IoT devices can effectively and reliably communicate with cloud services while minimizing the impact on the device's limited resources, such as processing power, memory, and #powerconsumption.

It works on the Publisher Subscriber Model. The one which sends data/ command is termed a publisher, and the one which receives data/ command is termed a subscriber.

Let’s understand with the example of #SmartAgriculture.

Here, the moisture sensor publishes moisture data and sends it to the broker, which when received by the subscriber can generate an alert based on the threshold value.

If the moisture level is low, and the user wants to turn ON the sprinkler, then the user device publishes data/command to turn the sprinkler ON, and the sprinkler receives (working as a subscriber here) command and actuates the water valve.

MQTT is the go-to choice for IoT projects that require real-time or near-real-time communication with low overhead.

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