AT 15 World Of Tanks Gameplay || BEST BRITISH TANKS

Описание к видео AT 15 World Of Tanks Gameplay || BEST BRITISH TANKS

The AT 15 is a British tier 8 tank destroyer.

Assault tank conceived to break through fortified positions. The design project was ready by the fall of 1943, but no prototypes were manufactured. However, the project became the basis for the A39 Tortoise heavy assault tank.

Like its predecessors, it has amazing armor values and rapid firing guns with poor alpha and mobility. However, despite the armor being thicker than its predecessor, the AT 7,peers at tier 8 and higher will have no issues in finding frontal weak spots, thus reinforcing players to more passive methods of game play. This can be good preparation for higher tier matches where your armor will rarely save you. A wide gun arc on this tank allows for good angling if you do fight enemies head on. With proper positioning and angling, no enemy tank will want to face against you for too long, in fear of being punctured to death via the high rate of fire.

The AT 15 leads to the Tortoise.

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