RU EN method for managing the forms of numbers to ensure Eternal Life_ Управление формами цифр.

Описание к видео RU EN method for managing the forms of numbers to ensure Eternal Life_ Управление формами цифр.

RU EN method for managing the forms of numbers to ensure Eternal Life_ Управление формами цифр.
"The doctrine of God. A method for managing the forms of numbers to ensure Eternal Life". Grigory Grabovoi_ "Учение о Боге. Метод управления формами цифр для обеспечения Вечной Жизни". Григорий Грабовой.

Dear Friends,
Yet again, we are asking you to actively engage in the process of signing the Petition called “Appeal to the Prosecutor General of Russian Federation”

Our signatures confirm our position that we have embarked on - Ensuring Eternal Life for All.
We stand in defense of the honor and dignity of a brilliant Scientist and the most worthy Man on planet Earth - our Teacher Grigori Grabovoi!
We cannot accept the fact, that such werewolves as Sokolov-Mitrich and his inspirers deprive us, and all people on our planet, the right to choose the Development Path. They trample everything sacred, they call white black and black white. They call the Savior and rescuers fraudsters, and put slanderers and liars on a pedestal, manifesting their limitations in perceiving surrounding Reality.
Such journalists as Sokolov-Mitrich, Vorsobin and others like that without conscience and honor, include the words of great poet M.Y. Lermontov:
But there yet comes judgment of God, confidants of debauchery!
There is a formidable judge: and He is waiting;
He is not available to any calls of Gold
And in advance He knows all thoughts and deeds.

We cannot stand by and watch the Sokolov-Mitrichi refine themselves! If we do not defend the Teacher, remain observing, then who are we helping ??? On whose side are we on ???
Thousands of people only in Russia use the knowledge of the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi – providing help to themselves and others. Other thousands in Europe and American continents have already discovered the Way of Truth through Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi.
Together we are Power! Kind Power, but solid Power!
For HIS forecasts to protect us and all the people of Planet Earth from Disasters and Pandemics, we need to subscribe to petitions and invite as many people as possible to support us in our strive for Divine Justice - confront slanderers and achieve full rehabilitation of Grigori Grabovoi .
If not us, then who ???

Our legal team recommends that petition signatures include brief comments justifying their reasons.
God is with us! Good luck to all of us and all of Humanity in choosing the Development Path! Thank you for your understanding and active participation in supporting this important Petition!

Get an education under the standard Teaching Program for the Teachings of Gregory Grabovoi_ Получить образование по стандартной программе обучения для учений Григория Грабового.
Author`s works of Grabovoi G.P_Авторские работы Грабового Г.П._анг


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