Final Fantasy (NES) – Solo White Mage Run Temple of Fiends (2022 Fall of Chaos Event Video #6)

Описание к видео Final Fantasy (NES) – Solo White Mage Run Temple of Fiends (2022 Fall of Chaos Event Video #6)

From my experiences, it would seem that the solo white mage challenge was the toughest of the solo run trials right behind the solo thief challenge. The white mage did have an easier time than the thief did when it came to experience grinding because of the harm spells. By the time when I enemies started to run away I was already past Astos and had the mystic key. From there I was able to grind levels abusing the mummies in the treasure room at Astos’ castle with consistent results. However, he faced a worst time, against the fiends, than the thief because of his lowered hit percentage gains and weaponry. The white mage, even with all the available strength stat gains, was not equipped to fight the revised fiends, and shared the same Slo2 weakness, that turned the last fight with chaos on its head if it connected. Your success literally hinged on that spell missing you.
The temple of fiends took some strategy with the white mage because of all the shortcomings in the offensive department. One good thing that I discovered, after several failed attempts, is that the encounters are the same if you take the same path down through the temple. This allows you to know what is coming to a certain degree and allow you to prepare on a battle-to-battle situation. This is how I knew to switch out certain items at certain points in the video. I did stray from the normal path slightly, throwing off the pattern, which is why I swapped out the ribbon for the black shirt at the beginning of the water level. I was expecting the first fight to be a set of water elementals that you cannot run away from in battle. My extra steps on the Kary’s floor circumvented that battle. Rather than discussing individual battle strategies, I wanted to elaborate on some general tactics. Besides, individual battle tactics can be seen in the video.
In general, I tried to run away from all enemy groups that would allow you to flee, unless I was deliberately going to cast ruse a couple times and utilize the opportunity to heal up by abusing the healing staff. Since I knew the order of enemies, I was able to equip appropriate gear prior to a mandatory fight. The most noteworthy of these encounters would be the gas dragons where un-equipping my pro cape, and suffering a decrease in defense, was a fair trade for the use of the black cape’s ice2 spell.
I changed up the tactics for the four fiends to accommodate the white mage’s deficient physical abilities. As usual, I began each battle, with the exception of the Lich, by utilizing the defense sword twice for the increased evasion. From this point, most of the physical attacks would miss my character, however I would have my healing spells handy encase too many critical hits got through. I tried to utilize my stock of Hel3 spells before my Cur3, thinking I could save the later for Chaos.
With the most devastating damage potential handled, my tactics turned to dealing consistent damage to the fiend. The Lich is still classified as an undead type, which makes him an easier boss. Harm spells got the job done, although sometimes Hrm2 hit harder than Hrm3 but I think this might be just random coincidence. I forgot to swap in the black shirt for the battle with Kary but the Thor Hammer made a decent replacement dealing about 18 to 30 points per hit. Kraken was next and it seemed that the Thor hammer was more useful against him dealing 30 to 60 damage points per use. Tiamat was still the easiest by far since the Masamune was in my possession at this point in the game, changing the battle tactics from item usage back to physical attacks. Compared with the previous fights, it was a breath of fresh air seeing Tiamat succumb to 74 to 308 damage per attack and falling in six short rounds.
This brings us to the end of the journey and the showdown with Chaos. I followed my normal buff pattern of using the defense sword to cast ruse twice but then decided to utilize a couple Fog2 spells. Fog2 helps increase my overall absorb rating and allows me to make use of a couple turns while I await the dreaded Slo2 and Cur4 spells. If you are in doubt of how to utilize these turns, you could also use this time to use a restorative spell or two to keep your hit points in good condition. The Slo2 spell marks the success or failure of the run and we hope that it misses. Once past that hurdle we can go to town with the Masamune, hoping to deplete his hit points before he kills the white mage or gets to cycle back around to the cur4 spell. In my case, I was lucky and managed to land enough damage in the 42 to 357 range to knock him down within eleven attacks, pausing shortly to use a single Cur3 spell. The spell was insurance against a possible full strength nuke spell that could do damage around 400 points.
After Chaos falls, I let the ending play through along with the credits.


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