Atonement, Part 1 💥 One All-Sufficient Sacrifice / Perfected Forever - Derek Prince

Описание к видео Atonement, Part 1 💥 One All-Sufficient Sacrifice / Perfected Forever - Derek Prince

Derek Prince Sermons: One All-Sufficient Sacrifice / Perfected Forever. This is an original Bible Study, teaching by Derek Prince. By the perfect all-sufficient sacrifice, Jesus canceled forever the effects of sin and provided complete well being for every believer. These messages unfold fourteen main aspects of this sacrifice, and four steps by which to appropriate its provisions. (Five-part series)

Bible Teaching Resources:

00:00 What does Atonement means?
05:55 The diagnosis of the human problem and the cure
09:15 How can Jesus' death 2,000 years ago relate to my personal sins?
17:43 The most Important single fact in Human history.
22:26 The appropriation of what Jesus did in the Cross is progressive
26:08 How to appropriate what God has provided for us
39:10 How God’s Medicine Bottle was revealed
52:03 How to Activate your Faith?

Table of Contents:
I. Introduction
A. Old Testament Day of Atonement provided only a covering of sin
B. New Testament
1. Central issue is taking away sin (Heb. 10: 3–4)
2. Putting away sin (Heb. 9: 26 [compare John 1: 29])
C. The Bible presents:
1. The diagnosis of the human problem: sin
2. The cure (remedy): atonement
D. The cross
1. A sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf
a. Priest and sacrifice in one (Heb. 7: 27)
b. Jesus offered Himself through the eternal Spirit to God the Father (Heb. 9: 13–14, 28)
2. Unique and central to the Christian faith—it anchors Christian faith to history

E. Preach Christ crucified (1 Cor. 1: 25)
1. The weakness of God is stronger than men
2. The foolishness of God is wiser than men
F. One complete, all-sufficient sacrifice (Heb. 10: 14)
1. Perfect, complete, forever
2. Appropriation is progressive (continuing present tense)
G. Three successive themes
1. What the cross did for us
2. What the cross must do in us
3. How to appropriate what God has provided

II. Personal Testimony
A. Hospital in Egypt—the “slough of despond”
B. Three main stages of healing
1. Romans 10: 17
a. “Faith cometh”
b. “By hearing”
c. “The Word of God”
2. The work of the cross (Gr. tetelestai)
a. A perfect work
b. Perfect in every respect
c. Perfect in every aspect
d. By one sacrifice He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified
3. God’s medicine bottle
a. Proverbs 4: 20–22
(1) Attend to My words—undivided attention
(2) Incline thine ear—be teachable
(3) Let them not depart from thine eyes—unwavering focus on the Word
of God
(4) Keep them in the midst of thine heart—keep your heart with all
b. “Taking” the medicine
(1) Three times daily, after meals
(2) Activate your faith (Jas. 2: 26) Faith is an act

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