Litchi app MUST WATCH!!!

Описание к видео Litchi app MUST WATCH!!!

I went here
Created and account
Signed in
Created a Waypoint Mission
Saved it
Downloaded the Litchi App in my NVidia Shield K1 Tablet
Connected to the Phantom
Started the Litchi app and signed in
Downloaded my saved mission to the app
Uploaded the mission to the Phantom
Got the quad in the air
Hit the Play button on the app to start the mission
The Phantom flew the mission even though it flew out of range
I have conducted several tests
Using both my P3A and P3S
The results are the same every time
I even planned a mission, uploaded it to the Phantom
Hit play, the Phantom started the mission
Then I turned off the TX
The Phantom still flew the mission until completion
No TX!!
My conclusion
If you plan a safe route, using this app and Waypoints, clear of obstacles, high enough to clear things like trees, and have enough battery for the mission, IT WILL FLY THE MISSION WITH OR WITHOUT THE TX!
I Don't recommend doing this
These are my results only
If you try this and fly your Phantom out of range and it doesn't come back, you were warned.
After my testing I have no doubt what my P3's will do, every single time
You do as you wish with your Phantom
Happy flying


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