Bastl Ikarie - A Lovely Stereo Filter! First Patch & Unboxing

Описание к видео Bastl Ikarie - A Lovely Stereo Filter! First Patch & Unboxing

And now for something (slightly) different! My first patch with the brilliant ‪@bastlinstruments‬ Ikarie Twin auto filter! I haven’t had much chance to really get to grips with it yet, but here is my first patch, it was supposed to be a kind of krell-ish patch, with two oscillators (the Ts-L from ‪@instruo‬ and Plaits from Mutable Instruments ) with random pitch and plenty of modulation from my ever favourite ‪@DivKid‬ Ochd’s modulation sensations, being fed into the left and right channels of the Ikarie respectively. To be completely honest, I’m not entirely sure how the flute-like sounds in the patch were achieved, but I love the results, I think I ended up with a lovely ambient, relaxing patch here, and I’m sure there is still plenty to explore with the Bastl Instruments Ikarie in the future!!

I did toy around with sharing the half-speed version of this patch, which I think is pretty nice, but in the end i decided against it, if you’ve interested, you’re welcome to give the patch a listen in half-speed right here, and let me know your thoughts, which did you prefer? The regular or half-speed versions? Anyway, sit back & enjoy! MM.

Patch Notes:

Clock: ALM Pam’s
Modulation: ‪@xaoc_devices‬ ZADAR, 2 x Ochd’s & some healthy random modulation from Pam’s
Voices: Instruo Ts-L & Mutable Instruments Plaits
Audio FX & Processing: ‪@MAKEN0ISEMUSIC‬ Mimeophon, Mutable Instruments Beads & Big T Music Monsoon (Clouds)

#synth #ambient #ikarie #bastlinstruments #bastl #ambientmusic #ambientmodular #modularambient #eurorack #eurorackmodular #euroracksynth #tapemusic #sounddesign #minimal #soundart #electronicmusic #granular
#granularsynthesis #dawless
#relaxingmusic, #relax, #soothingrelaxation, #music, #sleep #synthesizers #synthesis


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