Μικρόκοσμος (Microcosm) - Nazim Hikmet & Thanos Mikroutsikos

Описание к видео Μικρόκοσμος (Microcosm) - Nazim Hikmet & Thanos Mikroutsikos

ποίηση: Ναζίμ Χικμέτ (1902-1963)
μετάφραση: Γιάννης Ρίτσος (1909-1990)
μουσική: Θάνος Μικρούτσικος (1975)
διασκευή: Αντώνης Βερβέρης

Mikrokosmos (Microcosm)
lyrics: Nazim Hikmet (1902-1963)
Greek lyrics: Yiannis Ritsos (1909-1990)
Music: Thanos Mikroutsikos (1975)
arr.: Antonis Ververis

Χορωδία Μουσικού Σχολείου Χίου / Music School of Chios Choir
διεύθυνση: Αντώνης Βερβέρης / conductor: Antonis Ververis
πιάνο: Τούλα Φραγκάκη / piano: Toula Fragkakι

Homerion Cultural Center of Chios Municipality, Greece (12/05/2010)

English Translation

[When the starlight flowing into my eye like a golden drop
Pierced the darkness
of space
for the first time,
there wasn't one single eye on the earth
looking into the sky....
The stars were old,
the earth was a child.

The stars are far from us
but so very far
so very far....
Our world is small among the stars
but so very small
so very small....

And Asia
is one fifth of the world,
And India is a country in Asia.
Calcutta is a city in India.
Benerjee is a man in Calcutta.]

And I am bringing you the news:
In India
In the city of Caclcutta
they stopped on his way.
A man who was walking
and they chained him.

And I don't bother anymore
to lift my head toward the bright skies.
If the stars are far,
if the earth is small
I don't care at all
I don't mind....

I want you to know that I find
more astonishing
more powerful
more mysterious and gigantic



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