What should one do if having loss of appetite during 6th month of Pregnancy?-Dr. Teena S Thomas

Описание к видео What should one do if having loss of appetite during 6th month of Pregnancy?-Dr. Teena S Thomas

During 6th month of pregnancy is the time when you need a lot of good food, lot of high protein diet because that is now the baby is growing till the 5 months there is most of the organ development of the baby and the baby develops up the organs. Now post 5 months the baby’s growth which is most important, the development still continues minimally. But more of growth. So this is when you require lot of high protein diet. If there is a loss of diet, then definitely see your doctor to find out if you have gastritis or if you have any other associated problems, which can be ruled out and treated and the appetite can be increased or a dietician to counsel on how to take small food at regular intervals and get over your loss of appetite. So it has to be dealt with and the diet has to be counselled.


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