Custom Painted Trek Slash Slopeduro - Bike-Build

Описание к видео Custom Painted Trek Slash Slopeduro - Bike-Build

New bike day -- This time Drew and I are building up a custom painted Trek Slash. She's a looker... We're in Drew's shop this time, "Barber Bike Shop." Drew has some killer tools and he actually knows how to use them properly. No jerry-rigged PVC-pipe headset race installers here. Nope.. nothing but the finest. We finish the build, and then I have to hop on a plane to Austria for Crankworx. Without this bike!! Brutal. Can't wait to get home and ride this thing. I've filmed some travel stuff while over here so look for that to be posted soon. Also, next week is finally time for the Utah footy on the Session. See y'all then, thanks for watching.


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