Eight Drunken Immortals Boxing

Описание к видео Eight Drunken Immortals Boxing

Eight Immortals Boxing is generally associated with drunken kungfu.
I don't know the origins of these forms or where they are from. However I can tell you that both video were taken in the mid 1980's. The first was filmed in Hubei province, I think in the southern part of the province near Wuhan although I'm not certain. The second video was filmed in either northern Zhejiang or Jiangsu and the teacher in question was a local master of Cha Quan.
It is relatively rare to find a master of traditional Eight Immortals Boxing. While the Eight Immortals styles while never particularly common in any area, various "Eight Immortals" systems were found all across China.
While virtually all eight immortal systems contain "drunken" elements they vary greatly in emphasis from practiced in a straightforward sober manner such as this to the more obvious staggering drunken steps throughout. But even the most "drunken" of the traditional eight immortal styles will have many sober moves interspersed through their forms. Conversely even in a fairly "sober" eight immortals style there will be a few drunken moves.
However most drunken forms whether linked to the 8 immortals or not are simply found as supplementary material in a different system of boxing.
This seems to be the standard pattern in China. Styles will often have one or a couple drunken boxing and sometimes weapons sets added on near the end of their curriculum.
These are meant to teach techniques, skills, and ways of moving and generating power which break the rules of normal boxing. This includes using methods which throw the weight intentionally off balance or break the body structure and alignment in ways which are normally forbidden in most styles. This allows drunken practitioners to move and dodge in unexpected ways and to generate power and strike from unexpected angles.
Aside from using off balanced movements to throw weight and generate power, drunken boxing also uses various less common methods of alignment to connect into the ground and generate leverage while appearing off balanced and misaligned.
One common feature of Eight Immortals Boxing systems is their mimicry of traditional elements from the stories of each of the Taoist Eight Immortals. These elements are often instantly recognizable to Chinese people who have grown up with the stories. Examples would be the limping steps of Li Tieguai "Iron Crutch Li", Han Xiangzi playing his flute, or Lan Caihe carrying his flower basket. Some Eight Immortal styles will have a complete form dedicated to each of the Eight Immortals.
But as mentioned previously, pure eight immortals systems are very rare. Most eight immortal boxing comes in the forms of a few sets contained in a larger style and meant to serve as expansions of skill for somewhat advanced practitioners of the system.


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