Downtown Portland a city of plywood after string of destructive protests

Описание к видео Downtown Portland a city of plywood after string of destructive protests

After three consecutive nights of destructive protests, some of which devolved into riots, parts of downtown Portland sported full blocks of boarded up buildings Monday afternoon as workers painted over graffiti and patched up broken windows.

Thousands gathered for peaceful protests on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, but the demonstrations turned destructive each of those nights with extensive damage caused by vandals and looters.

Relatively little damage could be seen north of West Burnside Street, with Old Town and Chinatown receiving only a smattering of broken windows and anti-police graffiti. Similarly, areas west of Southwest 12th avenue appeared to have been spared from the worst destruction.

Construction crews clambered on scaffolding around the Hatfield courthouse, which was covered with a mosaic of graffiti. Some of the messages castigated police and others called to remember George Floyd, the man killed by police in Minneapolis last week whose death sparked the nationwide protests.

Follow our coverage of George Floyd Portland protests here:


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