古代雅典人去哪儿买买买?|古希腊人 逛集市、聊闲天、上公厕的地点|Visit the Commercial Center of Ancient Athens

Описание к видео 古代雅典人去哪儿买买买?|古希腊人 逛集市、聊闲天、上公厕的地点|Visit the Commercial Center of Ancient Athens

古代雅典人去哪儿买买买? 让我们穿过热闹多彩的雅典老街区,一起去看看2000多年前,希腊人逛集市、聊闲天、排排坐上公厕的场所吧。

Where did the ancient Athenians go shopping? What goods did they trade? How did a public toilet look like?
Let's take a walk through the colorful and lively old streets of Athens, and visit the places where more than 2,000 years ago Greeks ran business and did grocery shopping.



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