Corporate Tax क्या होता है? | What is Corporate Tax in Hindi? | Corporate Tax Explained in Hindi

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Corporate Tax क्या होता है? | What is Corporate Tax in Hindi? | Corporate Tax Explained in Hindi

hello friends this video is basically about corporate tax in this video we have discussed the concept of corporate tax we have discussed what is corporate tax actually how this corporate tax is collected and who collected this corporate tax and who have to be a corporate tax as a liability in business area so friends in this video you will complete understand about corporate tax.

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thank you so much for watching this video.

Quarries cover in this video:-
what is corporate tax in business?
corporate tax kya hai?
corporate Tax kya hota hai?
corporate Tax explained in Hindi
corporate Tax ka matlab kya hai?
corporate Tax kyun liya jata hai?
corporate Tax complete knowledge
corporate Tax kisko Dena hota hai?

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