IndieVelo - Testing Normal Racebots vs. Aggressive Racebots

Описание к видео IndieVelo - Testing Normal Racebots vs. Aggressive Racebots

indieVelo has three settings for racebots available: Passive, Normal, and Aggressive. This is a back-to-back short race on the Coastal Loop first with normal racebots then a second race with aggressive racebots.

Here are the key differences in the experience:

* A faster race with aggressive bots (22m 17s with normal bots and 21m 36s with aggressive bots)
* 4 observed attack/bridge attempts with normal bots vs. 16 in the aggressive bot race
* My average/normal power in the normal bot race was 278W / 297W vs. 314W / 333W in the aggressive bot race)

Conclusion: If you are looking for a harder and more dynamic racing experience consider setting up an event with aggressive bots. As advertised, the bots attack more often and for longer making the racing very challenging.

I forgot to change the event name scroll between races. The second race was the aggressive bot race not 'normal bots' as shown.

0:00 - Race description for the normal bot race and in-pen commentary
4:00 - The first race starts with a 1 km neutral zone
5:40 - The pacer bot drops off and the racing begins with the first attack by Dongsun
8:00 - The first attack fails ... all together again
9:40 - The second attack by Jerald Barker
10:30 - Jochen Hubner bridges up to lead group
14:30 - Lead pack of three has a 23 second gap at the split road
23:30 - Third ranked bot Stephen makes a bridge attempt from 30 seconds back
25:00 - The last 1 km
26:30 - Jumping into the second race (see race setup details at 26:50)
34:00 - The aggressive bot race starts with the 1 km neutral zone
35:40 - The pacer drops off and the racing begins
37:20 - The first attack by Sebastian
39:15 - The second attack by Joey, Nicolas, and Demeter
41:20 - Sebastian attacks again from the front
42:40 - Chris and Scott try bridging from group 3, Jame from group 2
44:20 - Brock and Joey try bridging at the split road. Roger and Angus bridge attempt
45:00 - Brock attacks again
49:30 - Nicolas tries again to bridge
51:40 - Jassim tries to bridge late in the race
52:30 - Jame tries to close the 11 second gap with 2.5 km left to race
54:20 - The last 1 km


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