Touhou 6: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil - Lunatic 1cc (MarisaA)

Описание к видео Touhou 6: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil - Lunatic 1cc (MarisaA)

decided to upload some of my recent-ish 1ccs for funzies

EoSD is interesting for 1cc because it's fairly "strict" with resources. Every other Windows game either gives you an additional bullet-clearing mechanic, a way to earn more lives/bombs through good gameplay, or just straight-up more resources. Meanwhile EoSD gives you 8 lives, 3 bombs per life, 3 life drops, and that's it. (Of course, even with those additional mechanics, some games still give you less bombs/lives or give you extremely mediocre bombs cough SA *cough*)
The first three stages are relatively tame, but the second half has some very wild parts and some of the most infamous patterns in the series. Fortunately most* of them can be skipped with bombs. (looking at you, Scarlet Gensokyo.)

I did my first 1cc of EoSD with ReimuB but I feel like the gameplay here was better so I'm uploading it. Also I feel like MarisaA is a bit of an underrated shot, her damage is great when you're far away from the boss (although ReimuB only needs to hit 3 of her 5 amulets to do more damage.) Her Patchouli fight is undeniably the hardest of the four on Lunatic though.

Some notably good/bad points in the run:
Stages 1 to 3 were overall very clean, not having any deaths into stage 4 is nice. I'm especially happy about capturing Meiling's last two spells.
Stage 4 has a lot of sections I probably could have practiced more... at least the laser book section went well and i was able to luck through the stage ending.
Capturing Patchouli's first spell card (Sylphy Horn) was unexpected but very cool.
I probably should have learned the strategy for stage 5 first half where you stay high on the screen... and the strategy for Sakuya's midnon where you also stay high on the screen. Very happy that I was able to dodge the spam section in the second half, though.
Remilia's fight went pretty well, especially Scarlet Gensokyo (only took 1 bomb and 1 life here, and it can eat resources very easily if it wants to). I got a bit too scared of the lasers on spell 1 (their hitboxes wait a bit before activating) but I feel like playing too safe and bombing is generally better than not playing it safe enough.


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