Native PAGE | Native PAGE Gel Electrophoresis |

Описание к видео Native PAGE | Native PAGE Gel Electrophoresis |

We know, the original form of protein is folded 3d structures which is possible because of a number of forces, bonds and intractions happeing on the protein molecule.

Now when we treat the protein with sds.... It edits the protein in two ways...

The sds, breaks the intractions and forces, which were holding the protein in what we call, a 3d confirmation into... a linear form...

The second function of sds is that it imparts negative charge to the protein.

Now, in case of native page... No sds is used hence,... The protein remains in its original form... And protein is electrophoresed in the original form itself.

So, in case of native page the protein is separated on the basis of... Size,.... Shape... And most important thing charge....

And in case of sds this charge factor is nullified.


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