Holywatr - nail polish (Official Video)

Описание к видео Holywatr - nail polish (Official Video)


Holywatr – nail polish (Official Video)

Listen to ‘nail polish’ here: https://holywatr.fanlink.tv/nail_polish

Directed & Produced by: Luke Durick & Owen Hormillosa
Written by: Luke Durick, Owen Hormillosa & Holy
Editors: Holy, Owen Hormillosa, & Luke Durick
Executive Producer: Mike Kosak
Actors (in order of appearance): Mason Gillihan & Jay Irwin
Song Production and Composition: Raziel
Mix & Lyrics: Holy
Master: Chandler Martin
Special Thanks: Max Schneider for the sick car & Ice's parents for their home

Spotify: https://holywatr.fanlink.tv/nail_polish
Apple Music: https://holywatr.fanlink.tv/nail_polish
iTunes: https://holywatr.fanlink.tv/nail_polish
Youtube Music: https://holywatr.fanlink.tv/nail_polish
Amazon Music: https://holywatr.fanlink.tv/nail_polish
Deezer: https://holywatr.fanlink.tv/nail_polish
Soundcloud: https://holywatr.fanlink.tv/nail_polish

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laid up with her
soothing lavender
white nail polish
stained and flawless
my highs and lows
be my methadone
i don’t want it
if i can’t have you
crawl under my skin

you look so good
looking up at me
hands on the hood
swear you make time stand still
girl take the wheel
lose yourself, crash out
f***ed up off a thrill
d!e with me every night
d!e and let live

laid up with her
soothing lavender
white nail polish
stained and flawless
my highs and lows
be my methadone
i don’t want it
if i can’t have you
crawl under my skin

here and you’re gone
in the blink of an eye
not for long
‘cause i just pulled out my phone
we film for so long
choking on ecstasy
melt in my arms
love all your angles
especially when they’re wrong

laid up with her
soothing lavender
white nail polish
stained and flawless
my highs and lows
be my methadone
i don’t want it
if i can’t have you
crawl under my skin

you look so good
looking up at me
hands on the hood
swear you make time stand still

laid up with her
soothing lavender
white nail polish
stained and flawless
my highs and lows
be my methadone
i don’t want it
if i can’t have you
crawl under my skin


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