Liars & the "O.S." Syndrome | Interviewing and Interrogation | Interviewing Tip # 84 of 101 Tips

Описание к видео Liars & the "O.S." Syndrome | Interviewing and Interrogation | Interviewing Tip # 84 of 101 Tips Interviewing Tip # 84 of 101 Interviewing and Interrogation Tips. Liars always make mistakes! It's just part of the nature of lying! Just like a teenager trying to hide evidence of the "unauthorized" house party! Liars just can't cover ALL the bases. Watch Interviewing Tip # 84 and learn why the liar's "O.S." moments give you the perfect topics to discuss.
Want to host a program for your agency? Want to close more cases? Need a customized course just for your personnel? Let's talk I create Innovative 21st century Interviewing and Interrogation Techniques & Training that meets the demands on 21st century Investigators. For training programs

★ Pick Up Your Free eBook: Practical Kinesic Interviewing and Interrogation ®: A Basic Guide visit

★ The Problem –
You have seen time and time again, highly competent professionals struggle to obtain consistently meaningful information during interviewing and interrogation. The issue often isn’t intelligence or intent. It’s the lack of advanced skill sets. Check Here for the Learning Tools We have Available

★ My Clients -
• Government, Intelligence & Military analysts, counter-terrorism specialists and Special Forces trust me to prepare them for the task of getting accurate information using effective interviewing techniques.
• Local law enforcement agencies use my narrative-based interviewing techniques to assist crime victims and reduce false confessions.
• Private corporations use me to educate their employees on proper interviewing techniques because bottom line - there is a cost to not knowing the truth. Read:" Why Interviewers Don't Know How To Tell If Someone Is Lying."

★ Your Benefits -
Your investigators will learn to be proficient at conducting professional and ethical interviewing techniques, use methods that ensure justice for victims, protect the offenders' rights and delivers critical intelligence information that can save hundreds of lives.

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★ if your investigators -
• Have had little or no interviewing and interrogation training,
• Had interviewing and interrogation training that's seriously flawed / produces poor results,
• Have a true desire to advance their interviewing and interrogation skills to a superior level,
• Are exposed to legal liability due to improper interviewing and interrogation techniques.
The Benefits of hosting training -
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★ Why Call? -
Because you'll benefit from my 30+ yrs experience as an interrogator. My 50,000 + hours as an interviewing and interrogation instructor with a video library of 1200+ inmate interviews. And recognized expert with knowledge of human behavior, speech and body language.

Read: Interviewing and Interrogation Training: The Real Difference

★ Media Coverage
Known as “The Lie Guy®”, I have appeared on Crime Watch Daily, ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox News, NBC, France Channel One, and Australia Today. I have been profiled twice on National Geographic and was host / technical adviser on National Geographic's "The Science of Interrogation.”


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