Описание к видео TOMOCHAYA by DIANA GESARE (SMS SKIZA 5960370 TO 811)

✔️Peninah thought that Hannah's fate had been sealed and that she would never give birth. She despised and mocked Hannah not knowing that God had deliberately shut her womb to show His glory through her. 💪
✔️Don't despise anyone whatever the circumstance. Even though it may seem, that you're doing better than them in one way or the other, just don't despise them for you know not what God has in store for them.😊
✔️Delay is not denial!🤏🙏🏿
✔️You who have been despised, carry on, hold on to the faith, keep pushing, keep praying. At God's own time, your enemies will be ashamed when He displays His Glory in your life.🙏🏿
✔️Hannah gave birth to Samuel! A prophet of the Most High God.
Oh! She gave birth to other children too and Peninah was silenced forever. Praise God!
✔️God is about to do something in your life that will silence your enemies forever. Pray on!🙏🏿
1st Samuel Chapters 1 & 2

Be encouraged🤗🥰


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