The Revengineer

Описание к видео The Revengineer

My magnum opus (at the time, now it's more of a secundo opus maxime whatever). After 7 months in development (due chiefly to my laziness), hopefully it will have been worth the wait. I originally showcased a small preview under the title "Engineer is Pissed Again" but I didn't like that title very much, so I decided to change it. Besides, adding a pointless "The" to titles is in this season.

I realize the story is more or less the same as Spy's Partially Exquisite Day, but if you're into Gmod movies for the story, you may want to get a reality check. Or check out seibmoz's channel. He's awesome.

Answers to questions I get too often
Q: How did you do the Gunslinger vending machine thing on the wall at 2:50?
A: Couple layers of green screening. There's the wall for the background, and the layers are as follows -- a Combine recharge station for the machine; then the Gunslinger (cropped from an image of the engineer with his arm outstretched); then the engineer's left hand. Animated in Adobe with some keyframes and there you go.

Q: How did the engineer fire 6 shots when the FJ only has a 3-round clip?
A: He didn't. It was one shot, the rest were an echo.

Q: Where is the "I would ask who you are..." quote from?
A: The English dub of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, episode 28 ("Father"). It's an anime set in the early 1900s where Alchemy is like a sort of "scientific magic." Hard to explain really, but it makes for some really spectacular action sequences. Throw in an awesome cast of characters, a kickass storyline, and a lot of blood and you've got one of the best shows ever.

Q: Where is the "Remember me" line from?
A: Metroid: Other M. Said by Anthony Higgs, aka the MBD (Mysterious Black Dude) from the trailer.

Q: How does he have a normal sentry with the Gunslinger?
A: He doesn't. He built it with a wrench, then he switched to the Gunslinger, causing everything to blow up at 1:49. Why did it take so long? Because it's a fucking video; the logic doesn't have to match up perfectly with the game.

Q: What are the songs you used?
A: 5:25

Q: Eeyup?
A: Yup.

The description may be updated as I get more annoyed with seeing the same questions in my inbox every day.

Also, props to djgspee over on Deviantart for making a pretty kickass wallpaper out of a certain shot in the video:


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