2001 0225 Shiva controls the Heart of left and right sided people

Описание к видео 2001 0225 Shiva controls the Heart of left and right sided people

“[Shiva] gives us the great heights of Himalaya. He makes human beings extremely beautiful, very noble.”
Excerpt from a talk by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Pune (India) 25/2/2001
But the real spirituality, if you have, the protection will be always there, and Shiva will be very blissful.
He’s extremely blissful. And what He has given you is even more beautiful than you could think of. He’s extremely forgiving. I should say He is the source of forgiveness.
If you have forgiveness in your heart, He resides in your heart. Otherwise, gradually, you start developing very difficult types of diseases.
Say If you are forgiving, your heart runs very fast. No one can touch your heart. You cannot get heart attacks. But if you are tolerating, suffering and taking many things as a power of your own, doing wrong things and forgetting about God, then you also start developing a very weak heart. So one side is that you develop a heart which is extremely aggressive, and can become like Hitler’s heart. Under any kind of pretensions if you start torturing someone your heart becomes solid and then you can get a tremendous massive heart-attack, and all the troubles from that. This is inevitable.
But supposing you are extremely tolerant and you tolerate all nonsense, you are very docile, you are a frightened person. If you are frightened, then because of fright you do that, you can develop another kind of a heart [which] we call as angina where the blood supply is less, and ultimately you develop a kind of a guilt and you lead a very mediocre life.
So this second thing also is very visible among people who think they are very, very tolerant. I am saying that tolerance is alright because of Spirituality, but not because you are frightened, and you are afraid of something. If you are a Sahaj Yogi you have no business to be afraid of anything.

[...]So it’s such an imbalance in the society; which is punished, again, by Shri Mahadeva.
He’s very kind, and He looks after the people who are suffering. And He tries to punish people who make them suffer. It is His quality to help by destroying people who are aggressive. He doesn’t talk of Kundalini, He doesn’t talk of Self-realisation, He just punishes them nicely, in such a bad way that it’s shocking! And He relieves sometimes people like…I have seen many women who live like this, suffer so much: they die much earlier than their age.
All this one has to see in the right perspective. He’s there to protect, of course, but more to destroy. He protects all kinds of animals, all birds. All the nature He protects. He’s the one who brings all the joy, all the joy of spirituality. But if you try to become aggressive, then He is the one who will destroy. Sometimes He gives more long rope to hang, and so people think, “We are alright!” They satisfy themselves.
On the contrary, in the West I find the women are ruling the men more than the men [are ruling the women]. Very surprising. I don’t know how they have handled the situation, but they are ruling, all the time. And the men have to be under their thumb. I don’t know how they have managed it, but they do it! They are not humble. They don’t love, and they will go on divorcing their husbands all the time. They do not love! They don’t know what love is.
But also, I have seen that men don’t understand what love is in India. They don’t know how to love their wives, which is a life-partner. How to respect, they don’t understand. There, then comes a great wrath, and this wrath works in so many ways, in creating horrible diseases and in creating problems and problems for such men.
And the society also is responsible for doing all kinds of things against humble people. Both ways one has to understand that, if you are aggressive, you are under the third eye of Shri Mahadeva! In any way. If you are aggressive, say, with your servants; if you are aggressive with your subordinates; if you are aggressive with your children – there is this wrathful God watching you, and one can get under the spell of His destruction.
But He gives us the great heights of Himalaya. He makes human beings extremely beautiful, very noble. And He wants that people should love each other. There should be pure love among human beings.
And also He makes you very delicately behaving towards other people; very sweetly behaving towards others. If you don’t have that, then you are going in the wrong direction.
But His greatest thing is that He gives you the height and the depth. If you are worshipping Him, then you develop such heights that you see the whole world as a witness.


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