Bhaktapur Durbar Square | History & Culture

Описание к видео Bhaktapur Durbar Square | History & Culture

Bhaktapur Durbar Square is a former royal palace complex located in Bhaktapur, Nepal. It housed the Malla kings of Nepal from 14th to 15th century and the kings of the Kingdom of Bhaktapur from 15th to late 18th century until the kingdom was conquered in 1769. Today, this square is recognised by UNESCO managed jointly by the Archeological Department of Nepal and Bhaktapur Municipality and is under heavy restoration due to the damages from the earthquake in 1934 and the recent earthquake of 2015.

Bhaktapur Durbar Square is the most important tourist site in Bhaktapur. It contains four districts square, i.e., Durbar Square, Taumadhi Square, Dattatreya Square, and Pottery Square. It is one of the most visited sites. One of the fascinating structures here is the 55 window palace. The Malla King Yaksha Malla built this complex in 1427 AD. And in the 17th century, it was further modified by King Bhupendra Malla.

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