How to Unban your 8 Ball Pool Account in Easy Steps

Описание к видео How to Unban your 8 Ball Pool Account in Easy Steps

#8ballpool #8bpsolutions #accountban
How to Unban your 8 Ball Pool Account easily

Please use this text in your 8 Ball Pool account unban Request👇
Account Un-Ban Request
Dear Miniclip, I am (your name),
I am an account holder in your 8 Ball Pool Game, My Unique ID is (your account unique id). I love this game too much and I always play it absolutely Fair.
Currently I was enjoying the running event and an "Update you game" pop up appeared in game, when I Update my game and suddenly I found my account got banned.(screenshot enclosed)
Before it, During Gameplay, Many glitch Happened on the tables of Back Packing Event and your previous game version.
My account Has been BAN because of your game's unknown Glitch or Bug, Please check the issue and Unban my account as soon as possible.
I am 100% sure, I don't use any hack or Cheat in the game So This is 100% Glitch Banning.
Thank you so much
(Your Name here). 


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