Power BI Desktop | Fitbit Data | Exercise Activity Type | Add Help Tooltip & AI Smart Narrative ✨✨

Описание к видео Power BI Desktop | Fitbit Data | Exercise Activity Type | Add Help Tooltip & AI Smart Narrative ✨✨

In this video, we will be using my Fitbit Activity datasets to create a report page that has interactive visuals!! (Slicers, Treemap and a Line & Clustered Column chart )
We will also learn how to add a Help tooltip and an AI Smart Narratvie to the Line & Clustered Column Chart.

Dataset folder is from my Fitbit watch Charge 5

00:00 Overview of the Data Model
01:16 Create relationship in the Model View
01:56 Create a new Measure
02:09 Overview of the Report Page
03:45 How to add Help tooltip and an AI Smart Narrative?
04:28 Recap and Conclusion


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