Ntiring'ayu (Calm down) -Yiampoi & Levon -Maasai Song

Описание к видео Ntiring'ayu (Calm down) -Yiampoi & Levon -Maasai Song

NTIRING’AYU (Calm down -Find tranquility within for the trilogy): The lyrics explore the intricate layers of the self, revealing a constant struggle between fast-paced self-criticism and a slower, introspective essence. It explores the conflict between projecting an extroverted facade while grappling with inner turmoil and relentless expectations. The story evolves into facing self-criticism, embracing self-compassion, and seeking inner harmony.


Verse one

One aspect of me was in perpetual motion, issuing commands and directives, while another struggled to keep pace and fulfill these expectations. When confronted with abuse, the fast-paced part of me would often align with the abuser, convinced that I deserved the mistreatment.

Conversely, when I achieved something positive, it would criticize and diminish my accomplishments, relentlessly seeking faults in every success. Leaving the slower part of me perpetually defending itself against the onslaught of the faster, critical side.

When engaging with people, that aspect of myself would withdraw into the depths of my chest, and I would don a friendly, extroverted facade. Outwardly, I appeared outgoing and carefree, but that persona wasn't the genuine self.

I felt perpetually drained unless I could secure moments of solitude and safety to unwind. My existence had been an unending effort to fulfill the expectations and directives of the fast side, while the slower part struggled to keep pace.

This relentless cycle would escalate, I felt pushed to move, act faster and faster to complete an ever-expanding to-do list, I often felt overwhelmed. The fast side insisted that I couldn't allow myself to rest until everything was in perfect order, and I obediently complied.


Stay with me, and please don't condemn me, dismiss my feelings, or gaslight my emotions. Wait for me, and let's take every step together. Hold on, let's be one, just as we were the day I was born.
Allow me to connect with my body; I've grown weary of dwelling in my mind. I deserve a break from the constant chatter that goes on up there.

I'm learning to slow down and tune into my feelings, from stomach, where waves of serenity flow through the chest and to my thoughts, soothing an overactive critical mind.

There were moments when we felt unified as one, but occasionally, the inner critic would resurface, compelling self-compassion to regain presence and equilibrium.

Verse Two

This inner critic has been a constant companion, relentlessly reminding my mistakes and flaws. It's as if this internal critic never lets me forget when I've erred, had a disagreement, or simply been on the wrong. Its words echo in my mind for days, constantly hammering home just how terrible I am for causing any unhappiness or discomfort to those around me. This harsh self-criticism I've experienced is rooted in an unconscious belief that others value strength and perfection, while weaknesses and vulnerabilities should be concealed. It wasn't until recently, that I became aware of this recurring negative self-talk and self-criticism.

Self-acceptance is a challenge, because of an internal self-critic that reminds me of perceived insignificance. Realized it is the self-sabotage pattern because I unknowingly undermine myself with a low self-opinion. Intentional practice of self-compassion is the antidote to the shame carried by an inner critic that silences it for good.

Stay with me, and please don't condemn me, dismiss my feelings, or gaslight my emotions. Wait for me, and let's take every step together. Hold on, let's be one, just as we were the day I was born.
Allow me to connect with my body; I've grown weary of dwelling in my mind. I deserve a break from the constant chatter that goes on up there.
I'm learning to slow down and tune into my feelings, from stomach, where waves of serenity flow through the chest and to my thoughts, soothing an overactive critical mind.

There were moments when we felt unified as one, but occasionally, the inner critic would resurface, compelling self-compassion to regain presence and equilibrium.


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