My Hair - Makeup - Skin Care routine and a new product Pt1

Описание к видео My Hair - Makeup - Skin Care routine and a new product Pt1

Hey, Hey! My name’s Tanny, but people call me TannyRaw.

19 years ago I switched from a Standard American Diet to whole-foods plant-based. 14 years ago, I transitioned into an entirely low fat raw vegan lifestyle and I haven’t looked back since.

Changing my food to strictly whole raw healthy living greens, plant fats, and fruits healed me from a host of auto-immune diseases and chronic gut and health issues.

Within less than a year, I lost 86 pounds and could finally move without experiencing pain. My skin cleared, I gained a head full of thick curly hair, and experienced a dramatic change in my eye color! Just a handful of the benefits I’ve enjoyed from a purely raw diet.

I’m sharing everything I know about low-fat raw vegan & the “Do different. Get Different” mindset because nothing feels as good as health does and I want this for you.

You’ll find HUNDREDS of recipes and everything from my favorite kitchen tools to how to budget on a raw vegan diet + ways to take your health to new heights. #sprouts and #microgreens for the WIN!

My goal is to give you the support you need to succeed wherever you are on your health journey—whether you are transitioning to a vegetarian or vegan diet or committing fully to LFRV Most importantly, I'm here to empower you to live and love more freely.

Thanks for watching and if you enjoy my videos, please LIKE and SHARE them with your friends. Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my channel for regular Low Fat Raw Vegan recipes and new videos every week!

The Raw Reset:
Insta: @tannyraw
PAPERBACK: Powered By Plants: Fresh Low-Fat Raw Vegan Recipes From TannyRaw
Kitchen Essentials:


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