The Best Books of 2023 So Far! (First Quarter)

Описание к видео The Best Books of 2023 So Far! (First Quarter)

Hi everyone! Three months have passed in 2023 now. This means I've been doing Booktube for two and a half years now. Thank you so much for continuously watching my channel and supporting me. Usually, every year I post two best book list videos. One is for the best books of the year so far video, and the other is for the best books of the year. But for this year, I will try doing a quarterly favorites video. So today's video will be about the five best books I've read from January until March 2023. There will be no reread included in the top 5 list.

Enjoy, and do let me know what you think about the books I mentioned in the video. What are the best books you've read this year so far? And let me know whether you prefer quarterly favorites videos like this, or the usual two times best books of the year video every year. As always, I've done a full spoiler-free review for all the books mentioned.

0:00 Intro & Rules
2:07 Best Manga
2:54 The Tyranny of Faith by Richard Swan
4:22 Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson    • Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon S...  
5:56 Eleventh Cycle by Kian Ardalan    • Grimdark Fantasy + Berserk and Dark S...  
6:52 Of War and Ruin by Ryan Cahill    • Why You Should Read The Bound and the...  
8:45 The Will of the Many by James Islington    • The Will of the Many by James Islingt...  

Stinson - Reed Mathis

-You can buy the books mentioned in this video through these affiliated links:
The Tyranny of Faith:
Tress of the Emerald Sea:
Eleventh Cycle:
Of War and Ruin:
The Will of the Many:

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