T.K.P. Telford Koi Pond -Video 181 - New AquaForte Automatic Fish Feeder from UK KOI SUPPLIES

Описание к видео T.K.P. Telford Koi Pond -Video 181 - New AquaForte Automatic Fish Feeder from UK KOI SUPPLIES

5% Discount Code for Online Goods from UK Koi Supplies Ltd.
After finally admitting that the JBL auto-feeder I bought (and used for about 3 weeks) will no longer fit on my pond because of the jump guards and after deciding that the RS feeder is out of my budget, I looked around for a smaller version of the JBL and found a new AquaForte automatic koi feeder with an 8 litre food capacity (that can be expanded to 15 litres) that looks like it will fit the bill perfectly and save me some pennies.
This video shows the unboxing, my first thoughts and it set up and working on my main pond.
Plus there is a link and discount code for an additional 5% off online purchases from UK KOI SUPPLIES LTD.


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