Italian 2022 Elections Superevents

Описание к видео Italian 2022 Elections Superevents

A special video for the elections in my country, it's still into the TNO mood, however in a little different way.

I always remember, I don't own any rights over the materials used for the creation of the video and I don't want to lukrate over it.

Fratelli d'Italia ending - Inno della Destra Nazionale
Partito Democratico ending - Inno del Partito Democratico
M5S ending - Inno del MoVimento 5 Stelle
Forza Italia ending - Meno male che Silvio c'è
Lega ending - Va pensiero by Giuseppe Verdi
Azione ending - Aria sulla quarta corda by Johann Sebastian Bach
Sinistra Italiana/Verdi ending - La Canzone del Fronte Unito
Mario Draghi ending - Inno alla Gioia (anthem of the EU) in an old Italian version
Communist ending - Inno del Partito Comunista dei Lavoratori
Italexit ending - Fuck UE by the Italian band Bronson


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