Описание к видео SCARRA REVEALS HIS FURSONA | OfflineTV Podcast #4

Scarra gets trolled by QuarterJade and Brodin in this new episode of the OfflineTV Podcast where they chat about furries, other OTV members, and much, much more. Visit   / offlinetv   to join our Patreon community and unlock bonus podcast episodes!

Filmed April 30th, 2024

Special thanks to our podcast partner Secretlab ✨

0:00 - Intro
0:07 - Feet
1:39 - Scarra’s Theme Song Intro
2:28 - What furry is Scarra?
4:03 - Fursona: Dragon
5:47 - Slo-Mo Mistakes
8:57 - Nightmares
13:36 - Winchester Post-Dreams
14:35 - The Grudge and The Attic
17:29 - Young Scarra’s Paranormal Experience
19:06 - New Podcast Season Updates
20:36 - The Turtle Guy (Master Of Disguise)
21:21 - Warriors of Virtue
22:05 - Reading
24:29 - The Wandering Inn
26:38 - Sleeping On The Floor
27:35 - TV’s Next To Your Bed?
28:25 - Whitenoise
30:28 - Astigmatisms
32:44 - Scarra’s Humor and Happiness
36:02 - Understanding OTV Roommates
38:15 - Lily’s Commitment To The Craft
39:27 - Stand-Up Comedians
41:48 - Karaoke Bar
45:02 - Audience of Strangers vs Friends
46:33 - Arcane
47:36 - Lord of the Rings Re-release
49:15 - Submissive at the Renaissance Fair
51:32 - “Yes and..Furries” ?
52:42 - LARP LockDown
53:52 - Furry Convention
56:20 - Have You Ever Pooped Your Pants?
58:23 - Redbull Adventures
59:30 - Twitch TOS
1:00:55 - Disney Movies
1:02:31 - Collabs
1:04:22 - Why Jibbitz?
1:05:26 - One Piece and Nami Cosplay
1:07:12 - Jodi’s Anime Type
1:09:28 - Jodi On Fake Fans
01:12:16 - Scarra Updates
1:13:03 - Ripping Costco Chicken
01:14:57 - Outro

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• LilyPichu -   / lilypichu  
• Disguised Toast -   / disguisedtoast  
• Michael Reeves -   / michaelreeves  
• QuarterJade -   / quarterjade  
• Masayoshi -   / itzmasayoshi  
• Sydeon -   / sydeon  
• Yvonnie -   / yvonnie  

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🎞️ Edited by:
• Stevo -   / stevotevo  

📋 YT manager:
• Amanda -   / nepheloyd  

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  / discord  

#QuarterJade #Brodin #Scarra


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