E-Commerce Product Page 💻🛒 React.js | Tailwind CSS | Vite.js

Описание к видео E-Commerce Product Page 💻🛒 React.js | Tailwind CSS | Vite.js

Hi guys 👋 this project is made as a challenge from Fronted Mentor platform.
This is the challenge: https://www.frontendmentor.io/challen...
Let me know what do you think in the comments 👇
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Buy me a coffee: https://buymeacoffee.com/dojcinovic


** Follow me on social media:
Instagram:   / n_dojcinovic  
LinkedIn:   / nikoladojcinovic93  
GitHub: https://github.com/NikolaD93
Frontend Mentor: https://www.frontendmentor.io/profile...


** My portfolio site: https://nikola93portfolio.netlify.app
#frontend #javascript #react #tailwindcss #development #frontendmentor


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