Ridiculously Non-STOP SOBA!!!!!

Описание к видео Ridiculously Non-STOP SOBA!!!!!

This is the culture of Iwate prefecture "WANKO SOBA". Basically you have to keep eating while a lady is serving you a small amount of soba until you say "No More!" with a lid! Even a soba lover like me! feel too much and had enough of it on the half way through. But cheering by the lady and a little gift to e waited for you, it will make you get to the goal. Finally you somehow feel you have done such a big job!
It was a great fun! I liked this experience!
If you are interested in having such an unique experience, please visit this place is called "Tachibana" at Higashi-Hakuraku.
Just make sure make a reservation before enjoy WANKO!

5-13 Hakuraku Kanagawa-ku Yokohama-shi Kanagawa
OPEN HOUR:11:30~21:00



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