Maria - Mia Marleen Kaabel ( Helisalvestus kontserdilt / Live concert )

Описание к видео Maria - Mia Marleen Kaabel ( Helisalvestus kontserdilt / Live concert )


Teost esitasid Iris Oja (metsosopran), Heli Ernits (oboe) ja Faristamo Eller (klaver). Tegemist on kontserdisalvestusega. Kontsert toimus Viljandis 10. augustil 2024.

Loo pealkirjaga "Maria" noodistasin Loomelaboris. Minu juhendaja oli helilooja Age Veeroos, kellele olen tänulik abi eest ning tänu talle sain edukalt teose valmis. Samuti suur tänu esitajatele, kes olid suureks abiks ja toeks. :)

Nimi Maria pärineb ladinakeelsest sõnast mare, mille tähendus on meri. Nimel on ka seejuures palju teisi tähendusi. Seepärast ükskõik, kuidas keegi seda lugu mõistab, on tal igal juhul õigus.

Aitäh ja loodan, et pala meeldib! :)

Muusika ja video montaaži autor: Mia Marleen Kaabel

Kõik videomaterjal pärineb Pexels platvormilt. Allpool inglisekeelses kirjelduses on viidatud videoklippide autoritele!


This piece was performed by Iris Oja (mezzo-soprano), Heli Ernits (oboe) and Faristamo Eller (piano). The audio was recorded from a live concert. The concert took place in Viljandi on August 10, 2024.

I composed a song titled "Maria" in Loomelabor. I received plenty of help from a composer, Age Veeroos, whom I am grateful for, and thanks to her, I managed to successfully finish my piece. Futhermore, many thanks to the performers who were a great help and support. :)

The name Maria comes from the Latin word mare, which means sea. The name also has many other meanings. Therefore, no matter how someone understands this musical piece, they are always right.

Thank you and I hope you will enjoy this piece! :)

Music composition and video montage: Mia Marleen Kaabel

All the video clips are taken from Pexels. The authors are presented below:

David Clausen
Matthias Groeneveld
NST Pictures
Mikhail Nilov
Yaroslav Shuraev
martha chinyere
Pavel Danilyuk
Taryn Elliott
Nicky Pe
cottonbro studio
Nathan Cowley
Palmo Art
Artyom Saqib
Karolina Kaboompics
Stefano Rinaldo
Dan Cristian Pădureț
Ruvim Miksanskiy
Mohammed Jabbar
Magda Ehlers
Michael Scott
James Cheney
Peter Fowler
Little Cloud Cinema
Lay-Z Owl
Largo Editt
Madison Inouye
Nata Lea
대정 김


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