French Michelin-starred chef learns to make Hong Kong-style French toast | 米芝蓮星級大廚拜師學整港式西多士

Описание к видео French Michelin-starred chef learns to make Hong Kong-style French toast | 米芝蓮星級大廚拜師學整港式西多士

Hong Kong is where the East meets the West — so is its French toast! Join Michelin-starred chef Olivier Elzer to uncover the secrets of making different styles of French toasts. Come get a taste of Hong Kong for yourself!

中西飲食文化碰撞下,西多士會變成點?一齊跟住米芝蓮星級大廚Olivier Elzer走訪多間餐廳取經,學整不同風味嘅西多士!你都快啲親身嚟品嚐香港獨有嘅味道啦!


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