Mask Up! - Acoustic version - original song by Ann Marie Pincivero

Описание к видео Mask Up! - Acoustic version - original song by Ann Marie Pincivero

This is the acoustic version of Mask Up! While the disco versions of these masking anthems are fun to make, the acoustic versions are more heartfelt and meaningful for me. I'm trying to get the message across that Covid is dangerous & people should be masking to protect themselves and others. I know that my power is limited & my reach is small but I want to try at least. Covid is MASS DISABLING. Almost no one masks anymore and they don't realize what they're risking. I hope that someone who needs to hear this will listen. Masks save lives. This is the message that public health should have sent. Instead people have been fooled into thinking that they don't need to mask anymore. Vaccines offer some protection but don't prevent transmission or Long Covid. The fact that even presidents & Olympic athletes can be struck by Covid, should tell people that NO ONE is immune. Everyone should be cautious. Please protect yourself and others. Wear an N95 mask. There is a mountain of scientific evidence showing the damage that Covid causes. Willful ignorance is deadlier than the virus. Almost no one masks anymore. Even those who KNOW they're infected, who have tested POSITIVE, are going out unmasked & spreading the infection. It's reckless & unconscionable. You never know who you might infect & who might be disabled or die as a result. I'm proud to be a non-conformist & an alarmist. I will keep sounding the alarm, screaming & singing the truth, even if no one listens. Thank you if you are listening! More songs & videos to come. It started with "Stayin Alive N95" & now the inspiration keeps coming. It feels good to be songwriting again & it's for a good cause. One of our greatest existential threats and one that the majority are completely ignoring. Stay tuned for more songs & videos. I have a couple more that I've written. I hope the message gets through. Take care. Stay safe.


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