Mobile pharmacy van offers tests and advise to shoppers in Xinyi

Описание к видео Mobile pharmacy van offers tests and advise to shoppers in Xinyi

A pharmaceutical giant has paired with Tunghai University to launch a mobile van in the trendy Taipei shopping district of Xinyi. The pharmacy offers fun health tests and personalized advice to passersby. They say that ailments like high blood pressure are growing among young people, and that it''s never too soon to take care of your health.

A volunteer puts on gloves and follows the onscreen movements. This program recreates a complete workout routine and tests the subject’s strength and coordination.

Following the pharmacist’s suggestions, in just a few seconds test results come up, telling you if your blood pressure, sugar and lipids are at healthy levels. The dietician can then give you some suggestions.

Member of the public
You can take the test for free and find out your health status, as well as receive a drink.

Member of the public
I’m quite badly coordinated. I sit in the office too much!

With our stressful 21st century lives, high blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol, along with diabetes and obesity, are becoming more common among younger people. They’re a risk for people in their thirties, not just over 40. Tunghai University launched this mobile pharmacy in Taipei’s Xinyi District with a well-known pharmaceutical chain, offering convenient health checks for shoppers.

Chen Mei-tzu
Pharmacy chain CEO
At first you don’t realize you have high blood pressure, sugar or lipids. If you take care of it early, it can really help your prognosis. We decided to bring the van out early in Xinyi to alert younger people to the importance of these diseases.

Amid the pandemic, many people are taking a closer look at their health. Pharmacists warn some ailments, like deteriorating eyesight, are becoming more and more common among young people. The message is: treat yourself with care.


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