The Protomen - Unrest in the House of Light

Описание к видео The Protomen - Unrest in the House of Light

For much better quality, search for this on Newgrounds.

The story told by the Protomen takes place in a dystopian future ruled by Wily. No one would oppose Wily's rule except for Dr. Light, who worked in secret to create a robot who would fight back against Wily's robot soldiers. This robot, Protoman, stood up against the leaders of the robot army, but was destroyed. No one would help Protoman; all they could do was stand by and watch helplessly. Not too long after, Light created Megaman.

"Years passed. Nothing changed. The human race seemed weary but content to suffer under Dr. Wily and the robot army. In whispers, they still spoke of Protoman. Eventually, Megaman would find out the truth. Dr. Light knew this.

When Megaman was old enough, Light called him into the workshop and began to explain..."


This is a music video for Unrest in the House of Light by The Protomen (who are AWESOME and happily provided me with full permission to disseminate this video). Its done entirely with Megaman 7 sprites (ripped by Sprites Inc.), which have been recolored, and a few original sprites by me. I also used some PD sprites by the following people (thanks!): FatSatan, Deccus, Umiliphus, Bonzai, Cello, and Space Cowboy.

Thanks for checking it out! This is my very first flash animation, so, you know, please be nice ;)

And if you dont know who The Protomen are, you're seriously missing out.


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