ABA Quick Tips: Follow your child's lead to help them engage in play!

Описание к видео ABA Quick Tips: Follow your child's lead to help them engage in play!

Help your child engage with you in play by following their lead! Watch this short video to see examples of how to help your child play by giving them the opportunity to lead the game (rather than telling them what to do and how to play!) and making comments (not asking too many questions!).

Play may seem easy but it can be hard for adults to remember how to play like a young child, and play can be challenging for children with emerging play skills and social skills.

Follow these tips to help make play more fun for your kids. When kids have fun playing with you, they are more engaged and you have more learning opportunities together!

This quick tip is provided by Aryn South, M.Ed., BCBA, MeBe San Diego
Clinical Director and Kailey Shaw, BA, BCBA, MeBe San Diego Clinical Supervisor.

MeBe San Diego provides Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) services, Speech and Language Therapy and Occupational Therapy.

MeBe also serves families in Los Angeles, Bay Area, Seattle, Denver, Phoenix, Austin, Houston, and Ashburn, VA.

Learn more at mebefamily.com and follow @mebefamily on Instagram and Facebook for more helpful tips!



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