Digimon TCG: RED HYBRID Deck Profile

Описание к видео Digimon TCG: RED HYBRID Deck Profile

The Digimon TCG feels fresher than ever as Bandai is supercharging several fan favourite decks. Red Hybrid is one of those decks, rising from relative obscurity to the levels of a Tier 1 meta threat. This ain’t the Red Hybrid deck you know anymore, with a whole new strategy dedicated to looping Takuya, ensuring that you can always spirit digivolve and swing.

Thankfully, this new build makes Red Hybrid a much more budget friendly deck since you no longer need to run the heavy AncientGreymon package. This deck has no problem blasting through five security in just a turn or two. Instead, the focus of the new Red Hybrid deck is on EmperorGreymon, who deletes anything standing in his way can can punch for three security checks with ease.

It’s a fierce fiery contender and I’ve got a build you’re not going to see anywhere else!


Want to see the Red Hybrid deck in action? Let me know in the comments below. The Red Hybrid deck has plenty of room to add tech options and tweak its tamer lineup for maximum destruction, and it makes several older cards from BT7 viable again as well. I’m not kidding when I say that Red Hybrid is now more lethal and consistent than even Blue Hybrid in its heyday.


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Digimon Cyber Sleuth OST: Welcome to this Wonderful Space
Artist: Takada Masafumi


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