FlexPak Leak Detector - Package Seal Testing Equipment

Описание к видео FlexPak Leak Detector - Package Seal Testing Equipment

Leaky Packages? Pin-point the location of a seal failure quickly and easily with the FlexPak Leak Detector.
To learn more, get a quote today:

Our Leak Detectors allow any manufacturer test the quality of their packages. Detect mircoleaks, defective substrates, defects in seals, and identify the exact location of a hermetic package failure. The FlexPak Leak Detector is design for manufacturers of packaging, food, consumer goods, pharmaceutical as well as testing laboratories.

Capable of performing the following standardized tests:
ASTM D3078 - Bubble Emission Gross Leakage Testing
ASTM D6653 - Altitude Simulation Testing
ASTM F2096 - Gross Leakage by Internal Pressurization
ASM D5094 - Gross Leak of Lug Style or Threaded Containers
ASTM D4991 - Empty Rigid Containers Vacuum Test

Start improving the quality of your packages today with a FlexPak 🥇


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