Interview - Actress and GMO OMG Executive Producer Jill Latiano Howerton

Описание к видео Interview - Actress and GMO OMG Executive Producer Jill Latiano Howerton

Actress (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Sex in the City, Rescue Me) and executive producer of the documentary film "GMO OMG" (about the dangers of genetically modified foods) Jill Latiano Howerton sits down with Cenk to discuss her former life as a model, breaking into acting and her involvement in the movement to educate consumers about the dangers of GMOs.

Watch the whole clip to find out:
Whether there are more perky wanders in the modeling or acting business
Just what - or who - "Hairy Fleabane" is and why you should be worried about it/him
If Cenk can identify anyone more attractive that he's previously interviewed

For more information on the film, visit

Look for Jill in a recurring role on the FXX show Legit starring stand up comedian, Jim Jefferies.

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