Altísimo Corazón - Dance of Universal Peace (Lila Flood var.)

Описание к видео Altísimo Corazón - Dance of Universal Peace (Lila Flood var.)

Altísimo Corazón - Highest Heart (refers to mother Mary)
Que florezca - Let it flourish!
Que florezca la luz - May the Light flourish!
inspired by the pilgrims at the Basilica of Our
Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico

Dance movement variation by Lila Flood.
Lead by Ralph Nimmann / drum - accompanied by Vitalija Hayat Zelenevska-Nimmann / guitar
at Loudwater Farm, London-Rickmansworth, England
recorded 25 October 2014.
More videos of Ralph & Mo'unisa (Vitalija) leading peace dances:

Vitalija & Ralph offer Year end retreats in Birmingham / UK
and peace dance weekends every spring and autumn at Loudwater Farm, London-Rickmansworth
More at


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