Is it Really Easy to Bring a Filipina Lady to Bed? Why is There a Lot of Babies in the Philippines?

Описание к видео Is it Really Easy to Bring a Filipina Lady to Bed? Why is There a Lot of Babies in the Philippines?

Filipinos were colonized and pacified by foreign overlords; mainly by the Spaniards and Americans, so Filipinos were and became subjects of oppression and repression.
One of the effects of foreign oppression and repression: People tend to obey their foreign masters like dogs.
It's one of the reasons why majority of Filipinos were and are friendly toward foreigners.

Majority of Filipinos are friendly to foreigners but not to their fellow Filipinos.
In fact, many Filipinos are hostile toward their fellow Filipinos who are socially and economically inferior to them.
If you will study the Philippine academic history thoroughly, you will learn that there were many Filipinos who betrayed and stabbed the backs of their fellow Filipinos for their own personal sake.
Unfortunately, stabbing of the backs and betrayal still do happen even nowadays.

In the Philippine/Filipino society: Crab mentality, insecurity and jealousy are extremely high.
Who to blame? The Spaniards and Americans brought crab mentality to the Philippines, so they can easily subdue and divide the Filipino population.

Foreigners who come to the Philippines do not understand how racist Filipinos are toward their fellow Filipinos.
Skin color is a big societal thing in the Philippines and the foreigners have no clue at all.
Filipinos with fairer skin have all the advantages; job opportunities, beauty contests and acceptance to the societal norms.

I'm not saying all, but many Filipinos are hostile to their fellow Filipinos who do not belong to their inner circles.
Crime and violence rates are extremely high in the Philippines.

Gossips and hearsay are part of Filipino/Philippine culture.
They will judge your whole personality and character based on gossips/hearsay, regardless of whether if it's true or not.


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