Election Security and the Erosion of Trust in Democratic Institutions

Описание к видео Election Security and the Erosion of Trust in Democratic Institutions

Foreign influence operations and even individual hackers target elections to undermine confidence in democracy. This panel will examine the threats and challenges that cyber operations pose to electoral processes and democratic institutions more broadly. Panelists will also outline measures to prevent and mitigate attacks. Specific examples will be drawn from the recent elections in Indonesia and Ukraine, amongst other cases.

Moderator: Jonas Claes, Preventing Election Violence Program Officer, USIP

Katherine Ellena, Legal Advisor, International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES)

Harvey Rishikof, Visiting Professor, Temple Law and Former Senior Policy Advisor to the Director of National Counterintelligence at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence

Saleela Salahuddin, Cybersecurity Policy Lead, Facebook


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