The Alien Necromorph Type Explained (Dead Space Lore)

Описание к видео The Alien Necromorph Type Explained (Dead Space Lore)

The Alien Necromorph Type Explained (Dead Space Lore)

Atlantis by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.


Gameplay credit - Gamers little playground

Over 2 million years ago, The ocean-planet Tau Volantis was home to an Alien species with an advanced civilisation.
Following millions of years of existence on their home-planet, they would discover a Black Marker.
Just like Humans would do eons later, the aliens built replicas of it, believing it to be a source of unlimited energy, leading to a Necromorph outbreak on Tau Volantis.
At least some faction of the species was aware of the danger, and constructed a massive machine which instantly froze the planet. This act would render themselves extinct, but it would save countless other worlds from falling victim to the Necromorphs and the Markers.
Unable to assimilate the remaining biosphere, the Moon was left incomplete and inert.
The machine failed to destroy the Moon however, allowing it to project its signal through the other Markers still spread throughout the galaxy, eventually finding a suitable new species in humanity.

Long before the Black Marker landed on the planet, Tau Volantis was an aquatic world with vast oceans covering the surface. Aside from the caverns and cities erected by the planet's former inhabitants, enormous gorges and trenches ran along the ocean bed which now served as tall cliffs and mountains.

Once the aliens activated their Machine, the whole planet was flash-frozen, plunging it into an endless snowstorm and rendering the natives extinct.

Two million years later, in 2311, a human faction known as the Sovereign Colonies discovered that the signal being perpetuated by their own Markers came from the lost planet itself.
Now an "icy backwater planet", the environment of Tau Volantis was harsh, and visited frequently by snow storms. When the expedition unearthed the corpses of the aliens changed by the Necromorph organism, it wasn't long before the expedition itself succumbed to the influence of the Markers.
The Sovereign Colonies council authorised Scenario Five, and ordered the purge of all parties involved with the expedition, and destruction and cover-up of its findings in a move to prevent the Necromorph contagion from reaching the Earth and its colonies.

Two hundred years later, in 2514, fragmented Marker research left behind by the Sovereign Colonies led data archaeologist Damara Carver to the rediscovery of the forgotten planet.
Ellie Langford, survivor of the Sprawl infestation, and Captain Robert Norton of EarthGov, joined by Isaac Clarke, organised an expedition to Tau Volantis in the effort to destroy the source of the Necromorphs.
Following this news, a militarised section of the Church of Unitology led by Jacob Danik aimed to stop them reaching the source and destroying all chances of true Convergence.
The planet was assumed to be the home-world of the Necromorphs, but was discovered to be another planet which fell victim to the Markers.
The Unitologists were able to turn off the Machine and restart the convergence, but the newly-formed Moon was destroyed by Isaac Clarke and John Carver.
The Tau Volantians themselves are aquatic in nature with gills and collapsible fins which allowed Dr. Serrano to deduce that the planet had at one point not been covered in ice, but a vast ocean.
They were hexapods, with one primary pair of clawed-forelimbs and a smaller pair protruding from underneath the torso, and a pair of backwards-facing hindlimbs.
They had flat, elongated skulls with various grooves and boney growths resembling something of a crest.
Living underwater, their size wasn’t limited by the effects of gravity, and they had an indeterminate growth, with some measuring around 8 feet tall, to others reaching hundreds of feet tall.
They were highly advanced both technologically and socially, with their own cities, cultures, and language.
There was also evidence to suggest their empire was widespread, spanning many star systems, and the species were thought to number in the trillions before falling to the Markers.
A preserved Tau Volantian body was discovered preserved inside the ice by the Sovereign Colonies Armed Forces. The specimen was named "Rosetta".
After studying Rosetta, Dr. Earl Serrano discovered the truth and tried to complete the aliens' unfinished work.
They realised that the Alien Machine could only be interfaced with using the unaltered DNA of the aliens themselves. This made Rosetta, frozen solid and perfectly preserved, vital to the project of creating a Codex.
When Scenario Five was implemented, Rosetta’s body was sliced into a number of cross-sectional slabs and scattered across different areas of the research complex in an attempt to hide her.


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